ColorQuartz: More Than Just Another Pretty Face
March 31, 2015
It seems like everyone these days is jumping on the quartz surface wagon. Manufacturers and consumers alike have come to recognize the benefits of this innovative surface. Seeing the tremendous opportunities, manufacturers are getting in on the game and new brands of quartz are popping up all over the place. On the consumer end, the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) reports that quartz is the material of choice for many of today’s home renovations and new builds.
With so many available options, a lot of our customers ask why we’ve selected ColorQuartz as our brand of choice. It’s quite simple, really: ColorQuartz is more than just another pretty face…or rather, quartz.

ColorQuartz in Oyster Shell; photo via ColorQuartz
First of all, ColorQuartz, as a brand, invests a lot in research and development. The company employs more than 20 engineers and staff and has invested over $10 million in quartz technology research. ColorQuartz’s major research and development facilities are in Diamond Bar, California. This is primarily where the company applies their expertise across a broad range of technical disciplines to improve quartz surfaces production and to create innovative new colors for customers worldwide. ColorQuartz explores the frontiers of quartz science, always in search of new discoveries that can help improve production and quality.
ColorQuartz invests in new quartz quarries around the world, maintaining a vast network of steady suppliers from India to Turkey. Always keeping in mind the singular goal of ensuring quality and consistency of materials, the ColorQuartz Procurement team does rigorous inspections before raw minerals are shipped to the factory for production.

Plus, ColorQuartz maintains the highest level of production control. Advanced production machinery and equipment contribute to a wide range of innovative functions, helping to ensure a top-quality product. The company meticulously maintains two state-of-the-art production sites in Shanghai and Suzhou, and six automated production lines.
What’s more, ColorQuartz makes the extra effort to ensure their technology is as earth-friendly as possible. They use energy efficient light bulbs and rooftop solar panels and production facilities utilize advanced dust filtering systems. They also do their best to manage supply chain emissions. For ColorQuartz, it’s not enough to meet environmental expectations. The company strives to always go the extra mile.
While ColorQuartz is a beautiful, exceptionally durable, and highly customizable surface, some of its best qualities lie deep beneath the surface making it far more than meets the eye.