
Deepest Train Station in the World Gets a Makeover with Neolith

May 17, 2018
The Washington Park Tri-Met train station sits deep beneath the ground under the Oregon Zoo in Portland. Opened in 1998, it’s the only completely underground station in the city’s Metropolitan Area Express (MAX) system. Resting 260-feet beneath the surface, it’s the deepest train station in the world! 
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The Most Famous Marble in the World Comes From....Vermont?

May 01, 2018
While Italy has always been known as the home of the world’s most beautiful marble, it has some competition these days. As it turns out, some of the most breathtaking, durable marble in the world is actually right in our back yard—in Vermont! 
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Common Misconceptions About Natural Stone

April 26, 2018
The internet is a great tool for learning what we don’t know. Just “ask Google” and you can convert cups to ounces or find out where the first football game was played under lights. Unfortunately, when it comes to natural stone, there can be as much misinformation as there is good information on the internet. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some of the most common misconceptions about natural stone and set the record straight. 
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Live Like a Rock Star With Natural Stone

April 17, 2018
Singer, songwriter, fashion designer, and TV star Gwen Stefani is selling her mega Beverly Hills manse. Brimming with luxurious natural stone, the 12,000 square-foot seven-bedroom home has serious star power! 
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What Is Etching?

April 11, 2018
What is Etching? 
If you’ve been shopping for marble countertops, you’ve likely heard the term “etching.” Some designers and/or stone suppliers might use the word when trying to talk you out of choosing marble. But what does this often-scary word actually mean? 
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We'll Save You Time!

March 26, 2018
At Marble & Granite, Inc., we recognize that your time is valuable. The building and remodeling process is a huge time commitment. Though it can be inconvenient at times, in the end it’s well worth it. We do everything we can to make it easier for you along the way, which includes making it simpler to see what’s in stock right at your fingertips. 
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Full-Height Slab Backsplashes are Trending 

March 15, 2018
Full-height slab backsplashes are a major trend in the kitchen right now. Whether homeowners are seeking a bolder, more unique look or desiring less maintenance, slab backsplashes are an excellent choice for either situation. 
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Quartz and Quartzite: Similar Names, COMPLETELY Different Surfaces

March 08, 2018
It happens on a regular basis: A couple comes into our showroom to explore their countertop options and they ask to see the natural “quartz” slabs we have available. Or sometimes they’ll ask to see the manmade “quartzite” surfaces. Quartz and quartzite sound the same, so it’s not surprising that folks are tempted to use the two terms interchangeably. However, we’d like to emphasize that quartz and quartzite are not the same. 
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Celebrate The Versatility of Tile! 

February 23, 2018
February 23 is #NationalTileDay! Why not celebrate with a trip to Marble & Granite, Inc.

National Tile Day recognizes a timeless element of architecture and design. Around the world, tile plays a variety of roles, revealing its durability and flexibility over thousands of years. From the modest to the sublime, tile proves to be one of the most practical building materials around. 
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White Vanity Tops and Other Top Bathroom Trends

February 22, 2018
If you’re working on a new bath or a bath remodel, you’re probably wondering what’s trending in the bath for 2018. Between fresh fixture finishes and white vanity tops that wow, there’s a lot going on in the bathroom. 
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