
Creating Compelling Color Combinations of ColorQuartz

October 16, 2014

We’re stone and surfacing experts, not interior designers. However, our customers commonly ask us for suggestions when it comes to cabinetry and countertop color combinations. So we make it a priority to know the latest color and style trends so that we can make sensible suggestions that give our clients the beautiful end results they desire. One surface we’ve recently had fun “color matching” is ColorQuartz in French Tan.

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Need color inspiration? Use “The Force.”

October 02, 2014

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, to get a surface like this, you’d have to search high and low, sifting through slabs of jet-black natural stone for one with just the right amount of sparkle. Luckily today quartz manufacturers like ColorQuartz make it easy to get surfacing in dramatic colors with interesting patterns or shimmering particulate.

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Consumer Reports: Quartz Sets the Standard

September 09, 2014

You’ve heard us say before that Quartz surfacing is more than just a passing fad. As building professionals and homeowners learn more about this remarkable material, its popularity is expanding exponentially. In fact, it’s one of the most popular countertop materials used today, second only to granite. In a recent study by Consumer Reports, Quartz came out ahead over 14 other materials tested, proving that it can hold its own against the competition.

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