
The Green Side of Natural Stone Countertops

June 04, 2013
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Natural Stone Countertops are the Most Environmentally Friendly

April 26, 2012

Many people know that granite is a popular choice of material for countertops because granite is durable and attractive. However, not everyone knows that granite is also a natural stone countertop and an environmentally and socially friendly product.


Granite is a widely available material in the earth’s crust throughout the world, including areas such Brazil, Italy and India. When companies begin work in these areas, they bring money to the local economy, hire local workers and provide employment and other resources to these areas.

Since granite is produced worldwide, consumers can also see if there is a local granite source to cut down further on transport costs, thereby increasing the environmentally friendly nature of the granite and encourage the influx of money into the local area.

Gold Travertine Quarry


When granite is extracted from the ground additional production is not necessary to create granite for countertop use. The granite is simply cut and is ready to be transported and installed. Therefore, the energy and extra chemicals necessary to prep and prepare granite are limited, making it a more environmentally friendly option than other materials that require extensive preparation.

In addition, the fabrication of granite relies most heavily on labor, not machinery or chemicals because granite is a natural stone countertop. As such, granite fabrication provides an excellent source of employment and money that re-enters the local economies.


While granite is naturally very hard, heatproof and durable, owners can add a sealant to the granite when installed for extra durability. The sealant uses very few chemicals and prevents the need to use other chemical cleaners on a regular basis to clean the granite. In fact, once sealed, granite cleans simply with some soapy water and a damp cloth. The reduction of chemical-based cleaner use on a regular basis is better for the environment.


When homeowners want to change their kitchen and get rid of their current granite countertops, the granite is not simply disposed of in some landfill. Instead, granite-recycling companies will pick up the granite once removed from the countertops and will use the granite for other projects, such as the creation of granite tiles or pavers.

Marble & Granite Inc.

We here at Marble & Granite Inc. are dedicated to helping homeowners find beautiful countertops that are environmentally friendly such as a natural stone countertop.

For information about our granite products and installation, please call us at 877-39-STONE.

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Color Series: Versatile Green

June 01, 2011
Green is an earth tone that can evoke an array of moods by a simple change in hue. Pale greens promote relaxation and tranquility while saturated greens can appear regal and exhilarating. Let your room speak volumes with green natural stone from Marble and Granite.

Choose from 45 types of green granite for your kitchen, bath, or office. Earth Glitter has a base of different greens with waves of cream and brown. Our Jurassic and Turtle Green slabs display the unique beauty of natural stone at its best, with large granules and chunks of eye-catching, multicolor minerals. It is a product that is sure to turn heads. For more subtle tastes, Verde Ubatuba offers a consistent, rich green.

Irish Green Sledge stands out among the 11 green marble products offered by our company. With dramatic movement, the green base is pocked with gray and streaked with yellow and beige. In contrast, Verde Panama provides owners with a soothing greenish-gray base.

Find unique marble and granite slabs in a variety of colors at our Marble and Granite showroom, 877-39-STONE.

Image: Roma
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